Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2009

If you're going to San Francisco....

Angekommen in San Francisco wollten wir uns einen gemütlichen Abend im süßen Cottage machen. Nur unser Knabberzeug lag noch im Auto. Also lief Christin mit Zahnbürste im Mund - Frau ist Multitasking fähig - zum Auto, das nicht mehr da war. Wir dachten natürlich erst einmal geklaut, bis wir uns den Parkplatz genauer anschauten. Wir hatten vor einer Garage geparkt. Es dauerte einige verwirrende Telefonate mit Polizei und Abschleppdienst, um heraus zu finden, wo unser "Heim-auf-Zeit" abgeblieben war, dann noch doppelt so viele Telefon-Dauerschleifen, um ein Taxi zu bestellen und dann noch mal einige Gedanken-Dauerschleifen, ehe wir begriffen hatten, dass wir 500 $ Strafe bezahlen müssen. So jetzt ist es vier Uhr nachts. In einigen Stunden stehen wir schon wieder auf, um uns in der Kirche von unseren Sünden befreien zu lassen. Müssen nur noch die Religion wählen. In wecher Kirche sind noch mal die meisten Police-Officer?

....make sure you always have enough money with you. Officer Freddy from Texas, where are you? We need a nice officer. Tonight we arrived in San Francisco and got a parking ticket for 500 $. Actually we wanted to enjoy our night with a film and some food. Well, the food was in the car, so Christin went with the tooth-brush in her mouth - multitasking - outside to get the food and was running with her tooth-brush up and down the Scott Street not finding our Dodge. Shock. We thought first it was stolen until we discovered that we had parked in front of a garage.
Our car was towed, our phone did not work, we did not know where our car it is three at night, we found our car, paid and now we are totally broke. Any questions?

5 Kommentare:

  1. What a story! God I wish i could join you two!!! Everything sounds so amazing:) Have fun and take care! hugs, Diana

  2. i have advice for you... don't park your car in front of a garage, it saves you headaches and $$$

  3. And the end of this story ?

  4. I'm sorry this had to happen to you guys! Basically, you can not park ANYWHERE in SF without paying an arm and a leg, or having to move your car every couple of hours. Save yourself the trouble and go without a car. This goes without saying now, but they LOVE to give tickets and tow. It's a source of revenue for the city (obviously). Come park your car in San Jose. I know where all the good spots are:)

  5. oh noooooo. holy shit!
